
Welcome to the Forums section of the Aphasia Community. Here you will be able to connect with others living with and caring for those with aphasia. Browse the topics, find an area of interest, and join in on the conversations. Please keep in mind our community guidelines when posting to these forums so we can ensure this space is safe and welcoming for all.  

Community Guidelines

The Aphasia Community is a safe place for everyone. Respect that other people in the community have had different life experiences and may have a different perspective to yours. We welcome different viewpoints.

Users are expected to be kind, helpful, and respectful. Assume the best of people and try to make things better. Beyond just seeking solutions, users are encouraged to help others. If they know the answer to someone else’s question, it is greatly appreciated that they offer assistance. This is by no means mandatory, and no one is compelled to help anyone else.

All users are required to follow moderator instructions. These guidelines are not all encompassing as that is impossible. Moderators will regularly make requests for users to change behavior that is borderline violations, in order to steer them right.

Guideline violations will result in posting access being restricted by first being flagged for moderation. This will require a moderator to approve a user’s posts. This restriction is meant to be temporary, and will be lifted when the moderators feel the situation has been resolved. If a user cannot follow the guidelines after that, their account will be blocked from posting. Further actions (such as restricting access to as a whole) can and will be applied if necessary.

This is intended to be a safe place for the aphasia community and users can be of any age so please be mindful when posting.

Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. 

The forums are here for providing users with a venue to primarily discuss aphasia related topics. In light of this, please refrain from using signatures, new topics, or responses to existing topics as a venue to promote your own business, services, or personal websites. 

Do not bump posts. Bumping a post to “the top” does not help a topic get noticed or receive replies.

We have a list of threads without replies. When a post is bumped, it becomes harder for it to be discovered and reduces the chances of getting appropriate help. Some forum moderators use that list to prioritize over other answered threads.

Moderators will delete bumps they find. This is in order to help posts get back into the No Replies listing, where they are more likely to get an answer.

Any thread that offers any service for money can be closed at any time. We are not against paid services but these forums are not the right place for them.

If a post needs moderator attention, there is a ‘Report Discussion’ link on every thread. That will add the post to a queue moderators watch and follow up with many times a day. 

We need to keep the forums friendly, so, occasionally, topic content will be moderated. In severe cases, users may be blocked. This might mean anything from the light editing of some posts to complete removal of topics and deactivation of accounts. It should really go without saying, but the following are likely candidates for moderation or intervention

  • Do not post email addresses, ask others to post their email or solicit contacting people off of the forums.
  • Do not post, offer, or ask for login information or passwords.
  • Do not ask for medical advice.
  • Do not post another person’s private information.
  • Do not harass or abuse people.
  • Do not contact people outside of unless asked to do so by that person. 
  • Do not abuse the ‘Report this Discussion’ system.
  • Do not post spam and affiliate links, offensive posts, posts without content, or flames.
  • Avoid asking questions that are more about opinion, like “recommend a speech-language pathologist” or other discussion topics that may lead to pointless wars and/or attract spam replies.
  • Do not disregard/ignore direct communication from forum moderators.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. Every post is judged on its own merits.

And that’s all. Enjoy your stay at the forums!  Thanks.