Welcome to the Aphasia Community!

Welcome to The Aphasia Community by Lingraphica. We are so glad you are here. Lingraphica designed this platform to be a safe place for people with aphasia, their support network, and the professionals who serve them to interact and engage with each other. 

 The first step joining the Aphasia Community is completing your profile so others can learn about you. You can add your profile picture, update your location, share your aphasia story, and introduce yourself in the forums.  

 Again, Lingraphica welcomes you to this community. We hope you find support, understanding, and your voice. 

The Aphasia Library
Articles and other resources to help you develop a better understanding of aphasia. Click through the sections to learn all about aphasia, its causes, recovery outlooks, and caregiving resources.

Online Courses 
Educational webinars and courses about aphasia, stroke, the brain, and caregiving for those conditions I mentioned. Our mission is to educate and raise awareness about aphasia and its impacts on those who live with it every day.

Sometimes it can be overwhelming to find the right communication or therapy app that will both motivate and facilitate learning and speech. Lingraphica’s communication and therapy apps are free to use and offer a wide range of exercises designed to improve language and communication.

Connect with others living with and caring for those with aphasia. Browse the topics, find an area of interest, and join in on the conversations. Please keep in mind our community guidelines when posting to these forums so we can ensure this space is safe and welcoming for all.

See your fellow members of the community, where they are located, and have the ability to connect with them directly. Please keep in mind our community guidelines when connecting with others so we can ensure this space is safe and welcoming for all. You will also find a listing of other aphasia organizations and support groups. Click into each organization’s page to learn more and how to connect with them.

 Aphasia Stories 
See Lingraphica’s Their Words Documentary series as well as the written stories of hundreds of other individuals living with or caring for a loved one with aphasia. We invite you to submit your own story so we can continue to raise awareness about aphasia and encourage others on their aphasia journeys.

Tell Your Story
Find stories shared by individuals with aphasia and their loved ones. You will be able to post your experiences with aphasia to raise awareness and encourage others on their aphasia journeys.

See opportunities to partner with Lingraphica and other organizations to further the research into aphasia, stroke, and other communication impairments. Check back often as new opportunities will be added.