Aphasia Community Forums Introduce Yourself I’m new and any advice is welcomed

  • I’m new and any advice is welcomed

    Posted by Brenda Castro on November 18, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Hi, my name is Brenda, and I’m here to learn how to help my brother who has aphasia due to a major traumatic brain bleed because of high blood pressure (288/145). He had a midline shift of 7mm but it went down to 3 mm. So his aphasia is pretty extreme.

    He is 62 years old. He was in the hospital for almost 57 days. He’s home now with his roommate who is his caregiver.

    He is doing well as far as mobility wise but he doesn’t ask for people, and he doesn’t ask to go outside or do anything he used to do before this happened. He was very active, drove all over town, helping his friends, or cutting wood for neighbors, fix cars and now nothing. He knows when he says a word that doesn’t make sense because he’ll say, where did that come from. He’s been home for a week now. He saw his PCP and he will start OT and SP therapy, meanwhile I’m trying to find ways to help him get better. I googled “aphasia” and I found this site. I’m hoping to gain some insight about aphasia and find someone who is or has experienced what I’m going through with my brother. I live in Texas and my brother lives in Oregon so I’m trying to help him from afar. I have shared this site with his caregiver as well. We are working as a team to get my brother better.

    I’m so glad I found this site. And I look forward to hearing everyone’s story and what I can learn from your experiences.

    Sincerely from a sister who loves her brother and wants to see him thrive.

    Meredith Murray replied 8 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Meredith Murray

    November 18, 2023 at 3:51 pm

    Hi Brenda! I’m Meredith. I am very moved by your post, reaching out on behalf of your brother. I’m so happy you found this site. I think you will find everything that you mentioned you are looking for, here! In my experience, Speech therapy saved me!

    I guarantee you will start to see progress, once his therapies begin.

    You mentioned he liked going for drives before this happened. So I would imagine that getting out of the house for his appointments, will be beneficial & enjoyable for him.

    I Have a suggestion regarding his hobbies that you talked about. Maybe his caregiver can find something he could put together. Of course, NOT working on heavy & potentially dangerous car parts, at this time…but Perhaps like a simple/child’s puzzle. 🧩

    or maybe even building something out of Lego’s.

    I think if he is doing something related to his interests, he will be more likely to participate & it will keep his brain stimulated.

    Please reach out again any time!! It must be so hard for you, to be in another state. Just keep doing what you’re doing and send lots of healing and loving vibes to him!! 💜

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